"Majestic grandeur! From the zephyr’s wing, Exhales the incense of the blooming spring."
- Phyllis Wheatley
Pinellas County nurse gets 'Forever Home'
July 24, 2022 ST. PETERSBURG — After completing a program with Habitat for Humanity, a Pinellas County school nurse now has the key to a brand new home.

Artesha Adras (right) volunteered over 100 hours of her own time building homes for others as well as her own. (Fadia Patterson/Spectrum Bay News 9)
ST. PETERSBURG CITY COUNCIL, City of St. Petersburg meeting w/ PWRTRC
June 16, 2022 ST. PETERSBURG — The Phyllis Wheatley Rise To Read Campaign's Director , Maria Scruggs speaks on behalf of the organization before the St. Petersburg City Council.

City Chair, Gina Driscoll introduces Chairwoman, Maria Scruggs of the Phyllis Wheatley Rise To Read Campaign to recognize the organization and the correlation of the city's Juneteeth 'Freedom Day' Celebration.
In Focus: A roundtable discussion during Black History Month
February 20, 2022 A debate in Florida for many years has centered on the different options parents have when it comes to educating their children. From public to private to charter schools, it’s all about parental choice.

A roundtable discussion during Black History Month about the advancements and achievements made by students of color over the last two decades, and how school choice has influenced those changes.
Pinellas County reading campaign aims to close education gaps among Black children
October 6, 2021 PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. — According to experts, the student achievement gaps between Black children and their white counterparts is a problem cities across the country are experiencing.

One of the literacy programs involved in the Phillis Wheatly Rise to Read Campaign is the M.A.S.T.R Kids after school and summer program.